Teaching Methodology
We are living in the world of modern technology so it is our reponsibility to match our child with the present changing methodologies our institution in offering stimulating inquiry base, enjoyable learning suited to the varying needs of the children.
The Flight Path
We are Creating a Community in which all the members are fully involved through the development of harmonious relationship between Management , Parents, Staff and Students. Our tiny tots begin to stir their wings by a learning programme which is well designed to balance formal and informal education.
Different Strokes
We, at SGVS, believe that in life every moment is an opportunity to learn. Our students grow in various directions. Their interests are kindled by the large number of different stimuli provided by the ‘hands on’ methodology formulated by us. Enable Every Child to become a Successful individual.
Flocking Together
Children get together to celebrate festivals and events through a multitude of curricular and co-curricular programmes which provide opportunities to each and every child to soar higher.
Joy of Flying
SGVS seeks to create individuals who are physically healthy, intellectually stimulated, emotionally balanced and spiritually conscious members of the society. This aim is achieved by classifying the broad range of human abilities according to the theory of ‘Multiple Intelligence’ which serves as a template in constructing strategies for student success.To increase awareness, the tiny tots are engaged in several projects throughout the year in a fun filled and unique manner.
Teaching Methodologies for the junior, middle and senior school
The school staff uses the best and latest teaching methodologies which help to make learning a pleasure. ‘Smart Class’ technology has been adopted wherein classrooms are equipped with Interactive Boards and Plasma TVs loaded with tons of information for all classes as per the CBSE curriculum. This audio-visual teaching aid helps to reinforce class room concepts and brings greater clarity of thought and understanding. Students will be taught and tested through this audio-visual medium. Group discussions, seminars, visits by eminent guest faculty/speakers, field visits and project work form an integral part of learning at school. Lessons are devised keeping in mind the ‘Multiple Intelligences Approach’.